It has been too long since I have posted! Sorry about that, I'm still learning the new job and trying to become adjusted to working an extra ten hours a week. Plus, I've been exchange stitching so I can't share what I'm working on and I'm fresh out of ideas for stitchy blog posts!
Today was my day off work. I decided I had better finish the ornament for my exchange so it can be mailed off to
Lisa V this week. I had a little panic attack, thinking I might not have "that perfect fabric" for finishing the ornament. Where would I buy Christmas fabric in March? Every store I've been to lately has it all put away until the season gets closer. Trembling, I pulled out my fabrics and to my relief I had "that perfect fabric" ~ whew! Lisa, dear, your ornament is finished and will be mailed soon...maybe even tomorrow!

When I got out my finishing fabrics I was slightly frustrated. Too much fabric ~ not enough box! Rick was headed to Wal Mart so I asked him to pick me up another box.

Then I sorted out the different fabrics. I have lots of "everyday" fabrics (right) and quite a bit of Christmas and Halloween (left). You can tell what my favorite holidays to stitch & finish for, right?

Oh my, now I have loads of room! I might have to go fabric shopping just to fill up the empty spaces in the boxes! It is comforting to know I have some choices in Christmas fabrics. After all, I have four more Christmas ornaments to stitch & finish before the end of the year.
I'm interested to see how you store your finishing/quilting fabrics. I am always looking for better ways to do stuff!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!