Sheba complains I only ever show photos of Taco on my blog. This is not true. I often show pictures of people's pets I don't even know, right? Oh, well. This will make the Border Collie happy, right? See those little smiley teeth?

We have yet another new blogger on the block! Everyone go meet Nick and tell him I sent you his way. Welcome to blogland Nick! I'm afraid you are outnumbered by all "us" girls. We promise to play nice though!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Oh I'm in love! Many many kisses to her and if she ever needs to be boarded...
Sheba is beautiful!
Love Sheba! I'm always entranced by the one blue eye, one brown eye varieties! Glad you got the border ok. Yay!
Look at those eyes! What a lovey.
Sheba is beautiful. We had a Border Collie, Abbie...they are the sweetest dogs...hugs, Linda
And she even smiled for the picture! She's really sweet!
What a beautiful sweet face :) Love her eyes and that smile is so perfectly captured! Too cute!
Oh my gosh .... I just want to hug that sweet pup!
Sheba is gorgeous! She certainly deserves equal blog time. :o)
That is a great picutre of a pretty dog, that should make Sheba happy for a while...or maybe a milkbone too??
She is a real beauty. We had two in the shelter a week ago. One had markings that looked just like a panda. She was adopted very fast. The male went a day later!
Sheba is precious! I wish I could give her a hug.
Such a cutie, amazing isn't it that
Sheba is smiling as if she knows she is being photograph.
Sheba is just gorgeous! I hear that Border Collies make fantastic pets. Her expression in the picture shows she has tons of personality.
Looking forward to seeing pics of your exchanges!
Thanks for the heads up on the new blog...always great to find a new one!
She can stop nagging you now, she's officially famous if she's been on your blog ;)
Sheba is absolutely beautiful - thanks for the pic!
Ohhh Daffycat....Sheba is gorgeous! What a sweet girl :) Thanks for the introduction to Nick, heading over to his blog now...I will try to behave myself, but you know us stitchy girls, always silly and looking to spin a yarn...yuk yuk yuk ;)Haven't had my 2nd cup of coffee yet, sorry.
Hugs, kiddo
Oh look how cute she is smiling!! Thanks for sharing...nice start to the morning!
Sheba's so cute, give her a hug for me! :))
awe, so sweet looking. I wanna give her a little cuddle.
what a pretty dog!!!!! And the teeth look so white!! My dog needs brushing lessons!!!
Awww what a cutie, no wonder she wants to get onto the blog and be noticed
Love that toothy grin! What a sweetheart!
what a pretty dog.
Sheba's an utter darling!!
She looks like a sweetheart! I think she likes her picture taken!
Awwwww. Sheba is a beauty. Love this photo. :)
What a beautiful puppy!
Sheba is such a beautifull dog!!! She looks so darn cute..
Awwww~~~ Sheba is beautiful!!!! She is really smiling for the picture~~
Sheba is gorgeous and so is her smile.
Patti xxx
What a cute doggy! Can't wait to see your finishes!!!
Fascinating eyes! She looks like such a lovable pooch...
Sheba is beautiful, give her some doggy pats for me!! I don't do anything special for storing my finishing fabrics, just in tubs like you.
What a gorgeous pup! Give her some cuddles for me & The Fluffinator.
What a great pic. Thanks for the smile. :0)
Sheba is too cute! Love the eyes :o)
Have just joined your blog list - great pics and completed projects.
Sheba is gorgeous and a lovely reminder of a springer spaniel x. border collie we once had called Bouncer - he was a great buddy and those eyes speak a 1000 words.
I think my dog has been talking to your dog - my dog also insisted on being on the blog this week.
so, who is sillier, us or the dogs?
What a beautiful dog...this breed is very popular here in Ireland.
oh,is a so beautiful dog, Sheba is gorgeous lady.
ahhhhhhh doesnt she look cute and I love the way she is smiling for the camera.
Strike a pose Sheba! LOL love the pic. My camera is broke right now so I don'thave any pics to post and it's driving me nuts right now.
What a beautiful doggie!!! It's a true model!
I stopped by Nicks blog. Awesome stitching! Will have to be back often.
I'm also stitching PIF's and exchanges, so now it's all about crochet and wire lol
Get a hug!
What a gorgeous puppy!!!
I think Sheba is beautiful, doggies have a soft spot in my heart
I'm afreaid Sheba's correct I didn't even know you had a dog and I've been reading your blog fr over a year.
Hi Daffycat, Hi Sheba!!
Sheba we love your choppers ... you have a great Doggy smile! Miss Nigella thinks you're kinda cute ... especially considering that you're not a cat.
Remy and the Divine Miss N.
Ohhhh how I love that picture!! This look, these eyes... what a beauty!!
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