I was just too busy and tired after work yesterday to post for the TU SAL. Only a day late! As you can see I have changed ORT jars! I decided to use this small square jar and empty it every new moon. I'll try to post an update on the big jar every now and again. Figured I'd take two birds with one stone and show you my March Snapper progress as well.
Since everyone likes the shrimp so much I'll give you a link so you can make your own...click here!
If you'd like to join us in the TU stitch along click the Totally Useless link in my sidebar.
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Sounds like you are really working hard lately. Hope you don't burn out!
Too funny about the stopping place on the WIP! Did you do that on purpose?
Love the little bendy guy. Your daughter is so clever.
hmmmm...my ma blows sometimes too. LOL
And I must be just as easily amused because I think the straw shrimp is GREAT! I love the color.
Oh that straw shrimp is COOL.
That jar is quickly full.... So stitch a lot of March when you have the time...I can't wait to see it finished... I love you Snapper year...
What a cool shrimp....
LOL, "Ma Blows". So far, our March has come in like a lamb :)
Love the straw shrimp! I clean an office that does cabling . The guys occasionally will make things from left over wire. One day there was this huge cockroach on one of the desks. Now this is a clean place and I was surprised to see a roach. I wasn't going to touch it and wanted one of the guys to kill it. Come to find out, it was made out of wire!! It looked so real!!! We all got a good laugh.
OMG! I want a bendy straw shrimp! That is totally cool.
The WIP isn't so bad either LOL.
LOL I'm sure you will have the RCH done soon Sharon.
Love your straw shrimp!
Love the straw shrimp! Too cute!
I'm sorry, but the shrimp stole the thunder from your TUSAL and Snappers....that is just too cute!
Great progress on your TUSAL and Snappers!
I kind of like where you left your WIP. Made me smile....
I giggled at the Ma blows too. :o) Sick sense of humor here. Love the straw shrimp - clever!
ROFL! That's a good one :o)
LOVE the shrimp! Too cute. Thanks for the link Sharon :o)
What a cute little shrimp!
Very funny on the Ma Blows. Is that something like a Freudian Slip??
Ma gave me a giggle:). Lots of pretty orts, I hope you share your mama jar too. Your shrimp straw is too cool...hugs, Linda
Very cool shrimp. Your daughter is very creative. I guess that apple didn't fall far from the tree.
The shrimp is awesome! Your stitching is progressing nicely, too. I can't believe I missed yet *another* new moon post for the TUSAL. I seem to miss it every single month, except for the month I posted it 10 days early by mistake! lol...
Cool shrimp! Nice little jar for the TUSAL
the shrimp is amazing,
Love the bendy shrimp!!! Thanks for the link on how to make our own; I'll have to give that a try!
That straw shrimp is just too cool. I'm going to have to give my daughter that link - she loves making things like that!
What a pretty shrimp!
ROFL. Looking good. Love the shrimp. :0)
LOL love the shrimp!
What an AWESOME shrimp!
Congrats on your work promotion!
The shrimp looks fabulous! Your TUSAL jar is lovely.
Great progress on your Snapper!
Ma blows! ROFLOL I love that shrimp!! Very cool.
That is one cool shrimp!
Stitching looking good - even missing a couple of letters.
I gave up on an ort jar. Everytime I filled it with anything, DH emptied it out!
Your daughter's shrimp is very cool!
Try not to work too hard. I know, easier said than done!
That shrimp is awesome...So cute!
Love the shrimp! and the WIP made me laugh so hard, that is so funny!
Hugs, kiddo
Love the straw shrimp, that is awesome
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