I forgot to mention before now, I could not resist buying fabric last weekend. Aren't these fun?

This one you must click to embiggen. Is that not the most beautiful stuff in the world?

Today, I had a rare week day off work so Jessie & I went stash shopping! I had a 25% off total purchase coupon and went a little crazy. I bought floss. Loads of floss. Scads of floss. Heaps of floss. I am in stash heaven.
I could wallow in this much floss.

And more fat quarters. The checkout lady was so patient as she scanned in each floss. Then her computer refused to scan any more. I had reached the limit of items you could purchase on one receipt! I suppose the computer has only so much memory. She had to ring up the rest of the floss on another ticket. This purchase gave me one 7-foot-long receipt and a shorter one as well.

What a fun day! Now I shall go wallow in floss until I am batty with stash overload!
Thank you for visiting my blog today!
Wow,it brightens up my day seeing all that floss! Exactly how long did it take her to scan all those through? Glad I wasn't in line behind you, lol!
Your fabrics are very pretty too.
Enjoy your wallowing , I'm totally jealous. ;D
Oh Sharon you lucky girl you, all that fabulous new stash! I just love the fabrics with the ladybirds on them. Happy Stitching.
Oh my goodness - what a fantastic stash overload - love it! My DH stands tall at 6'2" and the thought of your till receipt
at 7' really made me laugh.
I LOVE IT!!!!!! Don't you just love Stash shopping! That close up of the floss would make a great wallpaper on the computer!
Now that is stash! Good golly Miss Daffycat, you hit the motherload...love love love :) Enjoy your stash, it is gorgeous and many happy purrs :)
Floss is your stashy catnip!! :D When you're done rolling in it you can play with the receipt! :D
My fave of the fabbys is the bee 'n bug squares one! :)
How funny, all your floss!! I was just thinking of the poor cashier when I read how patient she was!! LOL!!! Those are some GREAT fabrics you got too-very fun!! Have fun wallowing in your floss! =)
love it!!!!
What great fun you had!
Holy cow! That's a lot of floss! I had no idea that Michael's was having a sale. I mus tget over there! Those fabrics are great!
WOW! You could make a bed out of that floss. What fun! The receipt is comical though.
Now that is some lovely stash. Love the ladybug fabrics!
Have fun with your stash.
I have you still beat on the length of the receipt. LOL
was floss on sale at Michaels?!?!?!! I need floss!!!!! Of course, we don't have Michaels local...have to drive an hour!!!
How fun for you! Enjoy!
Pretty fabric and wow you sure buy a lot of floss!!!
WOW! A 7 foot receipt & another one besides that. Just too cool.
Barb in TX
OMG...that is a lot of floss...you had better get to stitching!!!! Love the fabric too.
I had a Michael's coupon too and didn't think to buy floss! Oh well...they have another 15% off for this Sunday and it includes sale items. Good time to stock up too.
WOW! Lucky Lady :) I admit to sticky beaking at the prices on your receipt - and I can't believe how cheap your floss is... here its $1.30+ per skein!!
I love your stash! lol I remember going to Hobby Lobby once with a list of 70 some odd different colors of DMC. I did not get such a cool receipt though, just a mini one that said like 76 @ .37 lol
How do you sort your floss? I try to wind them on the little floss tags but sometimes Im too lazy and just sorted the colors by number into zip lock bags, 500s in one bag, 600s in one bag, etc. lol
I LOVE the green ladybug fabric!
Wow i'm jealous! That is a lot of floss!
Wow Sharon, you had fun! Enjoy and have a sweet weekend of flossing:)
Woah! What an insane amount of floss! The check out girls at my Michael's grimace when I bring up 25 skeins. Yours had the patience of a saint!
The fabrics are very cute.
Now that is a good stash haul!! Enjoy.
holy moley,
that's some floss.
you can dive in and come up for happy breath.
have fun
Now that's what I call fun!
Great stash! I'm jealous.
That's hilarious! You're lucky you didn't cause a melt down - either the cashier or the register, lol! Fun fabrics! Can't wait to see what you do with them =)
Did you get one of every color?
Love the ladybugs and bees. That is adorable fabric.
Oh - My - Goodness! I'll bet you are just in floss heaven. I am waiting for a nice sale in this area so I can fill some of the holes in my DMC collection. Love the fabrics, lots of cuteness there. Happy Spring!
Wow, seven feet of checkout slip? That's amazing!!
I love your new fabrics! Have fun with all your new floss. It looks like you had a very fun day!
Now that receipt is a sight to see! Great stash purchase!
That pic of floss is a perfect wallpaper!! Mind if I use it at the office???
Have so much fun sorting it all out too!!!!
Cardboard bobbins/or stitchbows? Plastic trays or ziplock bags?
Enquiring minds wish to know
i love the fabric...it was fun to read about 7 foot receipt..lol...
wow! Glad you had a patient sales clerk. That is awesome.
Love the pics and new the stash.
It looks like you grabbed one of everything! You also got some great fabric. I love the ladybugs!
Wow. Have a lovely floss day. I don't think I even have that much floss lol.
Wow! The length of the till receipt says it all. Did they have any floss left after you'd finished? Nice fabric too, I love the ladybird ones
OMG!!!!! That's a lot of threads, and see that ticket!!!! I'm sure you went crazy ;-)
Oooh wow!! That sure must have been fun to go stash shopping!! I can't stop buying myself as well :) You sure did buy some real nice fabric and OMG so much floss. Have fun with it.
Oh my goodness - you were one Daffy cat!!! I don't think Ive ever exceeded the limit for floss on a receipt! That is quite the accomplishment. But, what a beautiful photo it makes LOL.
Enjoy all those wonderful new things.
I see spring fever has hit us all. There are purchases flying left right and center these days.
I always love to see floss in abundance like that, nice fabrics too.
Oh my, what a treat. I *love* fabric shopping, and even more thread shopping. The pictures look like heaven.
ROFLMAO!!!! That is TOO funny! I didn't realize Michael's had a limit on what you could buy ;o)
It all looks yummy!
That is hysterical
I have never seen such a receipt
I bet you had a blast
And by the way, I now have proof to show my husband - He should count his blessings - my receipts are only a foot or 2 - ha ha
Wow, that's a lot of floss! I can't even imagine the register running out of room. You will definitely be stocked with floss for quite a while! Love your fabby purchases too. You can never have enough of those either.
How fun...but how crazy! I hope that there wasn't too long of a line behind you :). Now to organize all that stash floss :)
Take care and have a good weekend.
fun fun fun
Wow--you sure made that cashier earn her pay, Sharon. Lots of goodies there :)
That's an impresiive collection of stash.
WWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW what lovely stash you have... I'm so jealous!!!!
There's nothing like new stash, is there? You can spread it out on the rug and roll around on it LOL!
WOEEEEEEEEEEEEEE That's a great a great amount of floss!
I would love to go shopping with ya!
I love floss colors. They make me smile!
That register picture is so funny!
But 25% off, can't beat that for sure!
Feathers in the Nest
WOW! Lovely now stash!
Wow, that is some seriously great stash!
You could make a bed out of that floss! A stitchy futon!
What fantastic fun-ness!
Wowza! That looks like it was a fun day
Drooling here in Illinois
What Lovely stash, I am so totally jealous!
LOL, look at all that stash!
I just got a whole bunch of floss too, we need a floss winding get together lol
Had to laugh when seeing that really long ticket...in Germany the seller would count all flosses and add them together so I never got a long ticket like that;-)))
Wow, I nearly reached stash goggling overload there! LOL Love those fabrics. :0)
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