Lindsay wasn't sure what lantana was so here is a close-up. I wouldn't think it is a popular plant in England being a rather cool wet climate. Lantana thrives in hot, dry weather. It attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Some winters are mild enough that it grows back next year but all of mine died out this year. It comes in two different varieties...upright and spreading and several different colors such as white, lavender, pink, yellow and orange. It makes a lovely display in mass plantings. I'll try to remember to take a picture later in the summer after it has filled in.

Your house looks beautiful as do the plants. Please can you send some sunshine to the UK LOL
It would never last over here unless it's in a hot house which is a shame because it's a really pretty flower.
Thank you for posting pics with me in mind
Those looks like very commonly found in my country..not a favourite house plants more commonly use on road landscaping for its colors.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog, I really appreciate it! Your plants and house are looking lovely in the sunshine - wish our weather was better here in England - we are still waiting for summer to arrive! LOL
Jackie x
Your garden picture are so nice. Happy gardening this season!
Pretty flowers!!
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