Here is a picture of the finished pinkeep. I seriously need more practice at finishing...and a bit of photography skills wouldn't come amiss either! It was murder keeping the birdhouse poles straight and getting it centered. I think mom will like it and dad assures me she hasn't been snooping on my blog of late.

I was so freaked out by the spider last Thursday I completely forgot to mention that I visited vampires...I donated blood for the first time! We had a blood drive at work and we weren't very busy so I had a go. It wasn't bad at all~I am not afraid of needles or the like. The teeny needle mark on my inner elbow is nothing compared to the dark bruise on the back of my arm where the blood pressure cuff pinched the dickens out of me! I'll definitely go donate again.
It's another Talons home game Saturday! We play the Rio Grande Valley Dorados. I've no idea what a dorado is??? This will be our last home game until June 7th. I'm sure Rick and I will be in arena football withdrawal by then. We usually listen to the away games on the radio or watch on the Internet but it's still not as good as in person. A note on something weird; I told Rick that Jeff Hughley was my hunny and Rick said Hughley was his hunny too...
The house needs cleaning, a F&S exchange needs to be started, the cat needs feeding...
I just love the pinkeep and I'm sure your mom will! You did a fabulous job with the finishing. Your teapots are very colorful and pretty! Have fun at the game.
Beautiful Job! I love the fabric color - it just seems perfect for the design. I'm sure your Mom will love it!
Your pinkeep is gorgeous Sharon, I;m sure your MOm will love it!
Congratulations on the lovely pinkeep for your mother!
I love your pinkeep, it turned out great!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me a comment :)
How gorgeous is that! What a wonderful Mother's Day gift. Congrats on getting it done in time and doing a good deed at the blood drive as well.
Your pinkeep looks fantastic, love the fabric
Wonderful pinkeep, your mom is going to love it!
(And we have the occasional black widow here too, ugh.)
Thanks for visiting my blog. Great to find yours!
Your pinkeep is lovely. What a lovely gift for your mum.
Good on you donating blood!
What a beautiful design for a pinkeep. Loved it!
Hi Sharon,
I've just noticed that you visited my blog and I am paying a visit back to say - hello. I like your blog and your stitched pieces. You've made a super nice job on the pinkeep, a great gift for your mother.
I love, love, love your pin keep, it's absolutely adorable ;)
Your pinkeep looks wonderful, I bet your mum loved it.
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