This week's SBQ is:
For seasoned stitchers: Define a stitching term or acronym for new stitchers.
For newbies: What stitching term or acronym would you like defined?
I like the term ORT. This means Old Ratty Threads...you know~the little thread ends you snip off. Some stitchers keep a container of some sort to put their ORTs in. I use a jar. There are even ORT containers on the market now!
Just for fun, that is my ORT jar above!
Do you keep ORTs?
Oh, that is what ort means! LOL! Thanks for visiting my blog too!
I consider myself a seasoned stitcher, and I just recently found out that ORT was actually an acronym. I thought it was just one of those weird words that's specific to the stitching habit!
FTR, I have an ort container...it's called The Bucket and it's actually a portable brush bucket for painters (the artist kind, not housepainters...LOL). But it works well to hold my scissors and other tools, plus my orts.
I have a thread bag,and I normally throw mine away,although I have made a ORT Ornie in an exchange last year,love your jar though!
I have a little ort bag I made just for the purpose. When it's full I empty it into a big plastic bag full of orts - I have a vague idea of stuffing something with them one day!
I save all my ORT's to use for pin cushion stuffing. The pins penetrate the ORT's much more easily than they can go through polyfill. I keep mine in plastic lunch baggies. The plastic bags aren't so green, but the re-use of the clippings makes up for it I think.
Hee hee, I hope you don't mind, but I have linked you from my blog. Now I also know what ORT means.
No, I usually throw mine away. I don't know what you would use the excess for.
My ORT container is the vacuum canister...and before that it is whichever area on the floor I choose to "tosss" them. =) But I *do* vacuum after I stitch. I don't have ORTs laying around all over. LOL
I really hate to be a spoilsport, but ort is actually a word. Check the dictionary. All on its own it means a scrap or a bit.
--The nine fingered pedant
From Webster's Unabridged:
ort Usually, orts. "a scrap or morsel of food left at a meal."
Bit of a pedant myself!
Wow, I hadn't run across this one. People actually keep their ort?
I have a ORT tin its a old cadbury's tin
I tend to put mine in a little pile as I am going along and then just bin them at the end of the day. Quite often though I do find strays on my carpet, clothes and occassionally in my underwear...lol!
I should! Someone told me I could add them to the craft paper (some add flowers, some leaves I would add floss, what else is more adequate fr me? lol)
LOL all of you are tooo funny. I recycled a pretty birthday sack and have it by my chair to throw orts in or it piles up on my table and I throw it away eventually.. LOL That is those that don't attach themselves to my pants and travel through out the house.
I've got an old bin that all my orts go in all year long and on Dec 31 it goes on the compost heap at Ex's house. I keep hoping that one year I'll fill it up LOL
I use the word ort, but I never even knew it was an acronym!
I'm horrible with my orts. In my new room I don't have a table next to my stitching chair, so I use the end of my bed. Then everything gets moved off again when I go to sleep, but the orts just seem to wander around. They disappear and then turn up again a few months later and then I'm reminded of old finishes. :P
Pretty Ort Jar. I keep them while I'm working on the project -- when the project is finished, I pitch the orts.
Enjoy the day
Yes, I keep my orts! I keep them in some of my old Rx bottles because they have lids and I have several different sizes for travel purposes!
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