Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Beaded Ribbon Edging

The supplies for the beaded ribbon edging are easy: sewing thread, beading needle, ribbon, beads and your finished piece. You need a needle that will go through the small beads holes ~ check it! I use sewing thread because it is stronger than embroidery floss ~ don't want it to break! Also shown here is my Tacky BOB, a little sticky case you put the beads into and is very handy to keep beads from flinging everywhere if they get bumped. Wait, make that when they get bumped.

First measure and mark your bottom center and secure a knotted thread. I try to use a long enough thread to do the entire ornament but it is easy enough to start another if needed. You want to start just to the left of the center. Hint: if you slide your needle through the seam you can tuck the knot into the seam to hide it. Sometimes, this takes a little poking of the knot with the blunt end of the needle. Don't secure the thread to the needle, if you make a mistake you need to be able to take the needle off and "stitch" backwards!

I use ribbon right off the roll since I won't know how much it's going to take. Choose a place on the ribbon to start, leave a long tail. Come out of the ribbon, go though a bead and go back into the ribbon on the same side ~ don't loop over the ribbons edge. Here is where you will make the mistakes and need to reverse ~ by looping the edge. I do it at least three freakin' times and have to back up!

Now, slide the needle through the seam the next bead spot. Randomly, please! We want this to be carefree! I usually give a little knot in the seam between the beads so if the thread breaks fewer beads will scatter.

See how I'm going through the seam? This is much like the ladder stitch (in the video on my last tutorial) except instead of joining two seams you are joining a seam and a ribbon, hiding the thread inside the seam.

I loop the ribbon. I twist the ribbon. I made wide hops. I make short hops. Can I emphasize random?

When you get to the top, measure and mark the center. If it isn't centered it won't hang straight on the tree. I leave a nice loop for hanging. You could also sew a hanging loop into the seam when you are sewing the pillow together, in that case you'd skip this part. I keep meaning to try that but I always get the darn thing sewn together before I remember!

See how I've made my hanging loop? Continue your random beading.

At the bottom place your last bead just to the right of center and tie a knot in the two ribbon ends. I leave these as a tail at the bottom but there is no reason you couldn't fold both ribbon ends underneath a bead and leave no tail.

I have a finished ornament! This one was so much fun to create, especially getting to show it to you step by step!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Shirlee said...

I really like this! Can't wait to try it : ) Blessings, Shirlee

MaryBeth said...

This is so cute. Thanks for the easy-to-understand tute!

Becky K in OK said...

Hey there, this is one great tutorial. I've wondered how to do this finish, but never tried. Now I will.

Astrids dragon said...

Okay, you make it look "sew" easy that even I'll have to try it! Thanks!

Anne said...

Thanks so much for the tutorial Sharon!! I will have to use this when I get my new fancy silk ribbons :D

Friendship Crossing said...

Thanks Sharon, I've always wanted to try this, so maybe now I will. your pillow turned out darling!!

Hop over and join in my 'Your Choice' giveaway ~ you just might win something! :))


Fiona said...

annother useful tutorial, will certainly be giving this finish a try :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great tutorial - I really want to try this, also a great excuse to make a start on a new (suitable) project!!!

gracie said...

very nice....

CalamityJr said...

This is something I'd love to try - thank you for sharing!

Kate said...

Thanks for the guide I will have to give this a go.

Christine said...

You are a PRINCESS! Thank you for this wonderful tutorial!

Theresa said...

Thanks for this tutorial~~ I've always admired your beaded ribbon edging~~

Anonymous said...

beautiful ornament, thanks for the tutorial,
greetings Judith

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Thanks so much for showing how that is done!!!

Kate said...

Thanks for your clear explanation. I'll try this soon.

Lesleyanne said...

Another great tutorial.

Christine said...

That's really effective, I shall have to try it

Ali said...

Thannks so much for the tutorial xx

Anonymous said...

Great tutorial. This will be now on my "to try" list

Nima said...


Julie said...

Stunning finish, beautifully explained, will have to try the beaded ribbon. Thanks. X

Carmen said...

i like it, is great tutorial, thank you,

Peggy Lee said...

That's gorgeous and you make it look so easy. That doesn't mean I'll be able to do it though, but thanks for showing us!

cucki said...

this is so sweet..thank you for showing it dear xx

Sue said...

What a lovely way to finish an ornament. Thank you so much for sharing.

pam said...


Carol said...

And I'm lucky to have my very own "Sharon-stitched" beaded edge ornament :)

Thanks so much for your very helpful tutorial--planning to try this very soon!

Pumpkin said...

Another great tutorial! I'm sure that would drive me batty though with the 'randomness' ;o) It does look lovely though.

Lisa Dunn said...

I love this! I will definitely try it on one of my ornaments. It looks so pretty!

Thank you for sharing it with us.

Kerri said...

You make it all look so easy! Thanks for the tips.

Can you post the name of the design you used in the photos? It is really nice and I would love to add it to my collection.

lynda said...

Thanks so much for this! I was wanting to finish an ornie like this last night and just gave up because I couldn't get it. I'll try your directions next time...it looks great!

Dani - tkdchick said...

Oooh Daffy! I love it thank you and perfect for the ornaments I'll be finishing shortly! I'll be bookmarking this one!

Myra said...

Thanks for the tutorial! My symmetrical self has trouble with random but yours is so pretty I may have to give it a try.

~*Sharee*~ said...

Hummmm wonder if I can do this??? LOL thanks for sharing hun; I can't wait to try it..wish me luck...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this..

Hugs, Shar

Lynn said...

Thanks for the tutorial! This is a gorgeous finish. I just hope I can do this. I'm one of those people who is a visual learner and sometimes I screw up the simplest written directions!

lesli said...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you for sharing this!! I am so in love with this finish!


Robin said...

I was laying in bed this morning thinking what I would take to my sisters for an all day stitch-fest tomorrow and instead of the lugging the sewing machine and the quilt top I am working on, I thought I grab some completed items and finish them. This very one came to mind but I didn't know how I wanted to finish it.....THANK YOU for now I do. I just absolutely love your tutorials!!!!

Kalu V said...

thanks so much for sharing !!! ill try it very soon with my recent finished ornaments =)

its looks very pretty and elegant to me

Anonymous said...

This is another great tutorial. Thanks for sharing. I will give it a try as I have a few ornaments I want to stitch up for Christmas!

Paula said...

Adorable finish! I love to learn something new, thank you.

TinaTx said...

Great tutorial! If I only had some ornaments ready to finish. :(

cerato said...

I love it! Great tutorial.

gmp said...

This is such a pretty way to finish off the ends of a project. Thanks for a great tutorial.

Jackie said...

Wonderful Tutorial.

L.O. said...

Thanks for the wonderful tutorial. Your instructions were easy to follow and I had the best time finishing my ornament.