Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Monday, November 28, 2011


I have another finish to share! I made a cute little scissor fob out of Lilybet's Joy freebie design. This is stitched over one on 28 count tea-dyed Monaco. There is a trio of snowflakes on the reverse. Tiny, it's around 1 inch by 2 inches! I stuffed this with crushed walnut shells and a bit of Lavender. So sweet and precious! 

This post was a hidden giveaway!
Congratulations to Meari!

Crushed walnut shells isn't found in the needlework or crafts department. You get this in the pet section, sold as litter for cages. It is usually with the bird stuff but I have seen it sold as reptile litter as well. It smells lovely, isn't dusty and has a nice weight to it. One bag will last you just about forever. Here is a link to it on Amazon in case you don't have a pet shop near you.

When I go to stuff an item with walnut shells I use a funnel and a cup. I stitch my item up to leave a small hole and poke the end of the funnel through and pour it in. It likes to clog the funnel  so go slow or you will have it everywhere! Fill your item as full as you want it; full and tight or loose and floppy ~ both work. This little fob was stuffed as "packed tight" as I could get it.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


MoonBeam said...

What a cute little project.

katica said...

I love it! I've stitched this freebie several times in the past and is one of my favourites but never thought to make it into a fob! What a great idea!

Tricia said...

Love it! And I love using walnut shells to stuff my things, especially little ones. It gives them some "oomph". : )

Becky K in OK said...

One year the Joy design was my Christmas ornament for friends. I love it. Your's is so wee. Great stitch.

Barbi said...

Love your finish! I've got to get me some of this walnut litter as well.

P.J. said...

Cute fob! The pin cushions on my latest post given to me by my mother are stuffed with lizard litter. I love the feel. She bought a BIG bag on the Internet, she will be making LOTS of pin cushions. :-)

Cathy said...

We both posted blogs today entitled "Joy" and they were both different designs. Nice scissor fob.
Mine is at cathycrossstitch.blogspot.com

Kerri said...

what a happy little treasure! Thanks for making my day and keeping me inspired. Now how will I hid a bag of bird litter in my stitching corner?

Dani - tkdchick said...

Daffy its cute!

Shelley said...

Great stuffing idea!! Love the finish.

Shirlee said...

I love using the crushed walnut shells. Had to use them for a BBD pinkeep & yes, a funnel is a must & they do end up all over the place if you aren't careful : ) Love the fob! Blessings, Shirlee

Ginny said...

Thank you for the hint about using walnut litter. I purchased some to stuff pincushions and hope to get to finishing them soon, so your hint will come in handy.

Sharon said...

Pretty scissor fob!

Lesleyanne said...

A gorgeous finish. Thanks for the tip about walnut shells.

Kate said...

Lovely finish - thanks for the information on the stuffing too.

Christine said...

Lovely little fob

Michelle said...

Its really cute and looks great x

Anonymous said...

I use poly fil fiber fil for stuffing my projects..I would be afraid with the shells..might drop the item and step on it..ouch..done it before

Cleejoow said...

pretty! never thought of walnut shells as filling... must give a nice feeling to your fob!

Toffe said...

It's a lovely stitch!!
And the idea of using walnut shells... I have to try ;))

Siobhán said...

What a sweet finish! Great job.

cucki said...

aww it is so sweet..
love it..
have a lovely week dear xx

Nancy said...

Your scissor fob is beautiful! I love that little tree.

Sue said...

That is so cute, Sharon. I'm going to look for the crushed walnut shells. It is such a great idea....especially with the lavender.

Margaret said...

I love it! It's so cute and little!

pam said...

cute stitch!

Cathy B said...

I've stitched lots of those Joy designs as ornaments - never thought about making a scissor fob - great idea!

Carol said...

I just love this tiny fob, Sharon--thanks for the Amazon link, too!

Kat said...

What a great little project! Thanks for the tip about the walnut litter AND the funnel - I would have made a complete mess!!!


Julie said...

Adorable, thanks for the tip where to get the walnut shells, will be on the lookout for some next time i am out.

Norma Soulet (AZArtist) said...

Oh, love your little project of the Scissor Fob! I didn't know there was Walnut Litter. :)

Lonneke said...

What a great idea to use the walnut shells. I will check my local pet shop if they have any.
Did you know that walnut is also a natural insect repellent? (I don't know if it applies to the shells as well)

Lisa S said...

What a cutie! Nice finish Sharon!

Meari said...

I don't think the design is available anymore. There's a posting on the website pages saying she isn't designing anymore.

Your scissor fob is adorable, though!

Great tip for filling the fobs. I'm going to have to get me some of those crushed walnut shells.

Lynn said...

Soooo cute!! I went looking for the walnut filling last year and couldn't find it in the pet stores here in Canada. I bought some on a trip to shop in the US but I'm really glad to find out I can order it on Amazon. Thanks!

ArchangelDecker said...

Thank you for posting where to get this. Blackbird Designs loves to use this in their pincushions and I've been all over trying to find it.

Thanks so much! :)

geeky Heather said...

Very cute! Thanks for the tip on where to find the walnut shells!

Ellen said...

Cute fob, love it!


Myra said...

That is so tiny and sweet. Great finish.

Anne said...

I'll have to check out more pet shops for the walnut shells. I went to Walmart and they didn't have any!?!? Gorgeous tiny scissor fob Sharon!! So cute and teeny :D

Unknown said...

Beautiful scissor fob. I did not realize that was what was used for walnut shells, thanks for the info, I thought I needed to go out and crush some.

Sally said...

That is so cute Sharon!

Lindsay said...

Cute finish

Pumpkin said...

That is absolutely adorable!!!!

I've always been on the lookout for these but haven't found them yet. I wonder if they're available in Canada?

Anonymous said...

What a sweet scissor fob! Love it!