Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ribbon Reindeer

Surprise! This is a freebie I designed as a little thank you gift for putting up with my incessant posting this November while I participated in NaBloPoMo. I can't say thank you enough for reading my blog. You are all a big part of my life and I cherish you.

Ribbon Reindeer

Please email me to receive a copy of the design at daffy-cat AT hotmail DOT com. Tell me the name of the design you are requesting

Respect my copyright and do not upload my designs to any website or share with other people. Yes, they are free but I still retain copyright.

My designs are published as PDF. You must have the free Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view/print my patterns ~ or a similar PDF viewer.

As always you can click the cat in my sidebar to see my other designs. They are all still available for the asking.

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

Hi, Sharon,
Thank you for the sweet gift of the reindeer cross stitch. And don't apologize for lots of postings, I sometimes do 3 or more a day myself. I like to chatter, what can I say?!

Tricia said...

Too cute! I emailed you!

Barbi said...

Another one?? This is wonderful! I love reading your blog, you don't have to thank me at all.
Your's are at least interesting. This month has been brutal for me to blog everyday.

Ruby Craft said...

I have been posting daily due to participating in NaBloPoMo for November also. I have found it fun. I look forward to your post popping up in my reader so post all you want too. It's one of the reasons I follow you. I haven't tried cross stitching but have embroidered once or twice before. My Mom used to embroider. I love looking at your designs and Love your reindeer.

Wendy Y. said...

Another cute reindeer, thanks for creating these for us.

katica said...

thank you for the wonderful freebie! I love reading your blog and having an update everyday this month has been great!

Rachel said...

Oh my goodness!! He's too cute!

I love reading your blog, especially your tutorials. I just finished an ornament with your ribbon tutorial, and have to say it's my favorite finishing technique I have ever done!!

Off to email you!

Lisa S said...

I love your reindeer Sharon!! Thanks so much for sharing them. Off to email you now!
I've been enjoying your tutorials ;)

Lynn said...

Thank you for sharing your sweet gift with us. I enjoyed reading all your posts this month. Your tips and tutorials have been very helpful. Now I'm off to email you!

pam said...

Too cute-sent and email-thanks

Karyn said...

I could never get too much of you Daff! I love you :)
Thank you for the fab freebie...have I mentioned that I love you? Oh, yeah but I do!

Susan in SC said...

She is beautiful! I just love your reindeer patterns!

Katie said...

I just started following your blog. I missed all your messages. I'll have to look back. This is a beautiful freebie. I stitched one with a beaded ring around his neck. I loved it. Anyway Thanks for the freebie! It's too cute.

Myra said...

I thoroughly enjoyed every one of your posts this month. Now, can't you just post every day in December too? :o) Lovely pattern, will be sending an email for sure.

Lesleyanne said...

Another lovely design. Thank you. I really must knuckle down and email you.

Christine said...

Sweet reindeer! Congratulations on completing NaBloPoMo

CATHI said...

So cute! Will email you! :o)


cucki said...

aww it is so sweet xx

Patty C. said...

Another wonderful deer ;)

Srinity said...

Another one? Oh my! I have two to stitch this year then. :) It's beginning to be a tradition to stitch at least one of these every year. :)
I'll post about these on my blog's Advent Calendar later this month if it's ok.

Kat said...

Thanks for the freebie and thanks again for all the tips last month! Off to email you now!


Anne said...

Oooh!! Another adorable reindeer!! I love this one! And it's been a joy to read your blog posts, even though I haven't commented on every single one (work gets in the way of pleasure..argh!) I also really love your tutorials. When I finish your stocking reindeer, I'm going to try out the ribbon/beading edging that you showed!! I'll send you a pic once it's done!!

jenner said...

Sweet!! =)

Sally said...

Thank you for another lovely reindeer. They are so cute!

Diane (di) said...

Sharon, you are such a sweetheart to simply give us your patterns for free. Thank you sooo much for doing so. He's sooo cute! :)

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog!

Dani - tkdchick said...

LOVE it! E-mail is on its way!!

Anonymous said...


I am fairly new to your blog and love it, and thanks so much for the sweet design!


Callie Brady said...

So cute... makes me want to hunt up my cross stitch stuff and leave my quilting... but no I have to finish the quilts. But I know to come back to your blog. Thank you!

Julie said...

Congrats on completing your daily pots.
Cute reindeer.

Sun City Stitcher said...

Cute little fellow!

Pumpkin said...

Oh SO, SO, SO cute! PLEASE email me a copy of your pattern. You know I'd love it :o) Thanks Sharon.

Brigitte said...

Your reindeer series is so cute.

Meari said...

Another CUTE reindeer!

Robin said...

This is a cutie. Dont know how I missed it before!

Lizzy Pizzy said...

thanks Sharon for another sweeeeeet reindeer!!! Sending you an email right now
Liz x

Genny Garcia said...

Gracias, gennygar@gmail.com esta bello tu blog.

Marexstitch said...

I must confess I haven't done a good job keeping up with everyone's blog. This is another charming ornie and I know I'd like to stitch it up for my tree. So I'll get an email out to you soon. Love your LK ornies too. Mine are sadly awaiting my attention. Hugs,

barbara said...

i love the reindeer patterns. sent you an email last week requesting patterns....
thank you!!

vivian said...

your reindeer patterns are absolutely darling; you are very talented.
I will send you an email requesting them for xmas ornie....I would love to make one for each member of my family...I love dressing the tree; when the kiddies grow up they get their own ornie passed to them to start their own collections with their family...thanks for caring to share with us...vivian