Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Blogoversary To Me

Yay for 4 years!

Last chance to enter my blogoversary giveaway here. I will close the giveaway sometime tomorrow and start tallying the entries ~ whew ~ you guys have left me a so many comments this month. It will take some time to get it all sorted!

One of the things I like to do on my blogoversary is visit other blogs that share my special day. I leave comments wishing the owner a happy blogoversary too, except for those blogs that appear to have been abandoned. The site was down last year so I'm definitely visiting this year! If you are visiting here in return to my comments ~ thank you!

You can add a blogoversary button to your own blog here. There is also a link there to visit that day's blogoversary blogs ~ but it's only good for that day!

Those of you that are regular readers get a great big thank you. You are the reason I blog! Your visits and comments are so very special to me. 

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Rachel S-H said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Catherine said...

Whoo-hoo! Your big day is almost here!

Ali said...

Your blog is lovely - thank you for sharing xx

Mouse said...

woooo hooo your special day has finally arrived ..lol .. hope you have a good un as they say and do you want me to lend you my fingers n toes to help you count all the comments up???? ..lol ...love mouse xxxxx

Shebafudge said...

Happy BLogoversary.

Not sure how long I have been reading and following but I hope there are many more years for me to do so!

You are definitely one of my favourite blogs!

Jan said...

Happy Blogoversay!

Linda said...

You made me dig out my PS 12 Days of Xmas, but I just couldn't convince myself to work on it yet. Congrats on 4 years of blogging. I'm almost at one year. Love reading your blog.


Shebafudge said...

Sorry I changed my sentence half way through. What the last sentence should have said is "Yours is one of my favourite blogs." I didn't mean to make it sound as though you were a blog and not a person...sorry!

Shebafudge said...

Sorry I changed my sentence half way through. What the last sentence should have said is "Yours is one of my favourite blogs." I didn't mean to make it sound as though you were a blog and not a person...sorry!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Happy Blogaversary, hope you have a good day xx

Parsley said...

Happy BLOGAVERSARY! I'm sure glad your here!

Cindy said...

Happy Bloaversary....wow 4 years! congratulations!

Sun City Stitcher said...

4 years!! WOW. Congratulations. I hope you have enjoyed it and continue to do so!!

cucki said...

Happy blogoversary :)
love for you xxx

Elizabeth Ann said...

Happy Day to you! Wow 4 years how great is that!!

Annette said...

Congratz on your blogaversary!!!

Tricia said...

Happy blogaversary! Makes me wonder when mine is... hmmm... guess I'll go check! : )

Charity C. said...

Happy Blogaversary!! You should celebrate and give yourself something too!

valerie said...

Happy blogiversary!!!

Shari said...

happy blogoversary!!! I enjoy reading your updates whenever I see them!!

Nicola said...

Ooh Happy Blogaversary! 4 years? wow! That rocks! xx

pandy said...

Happy Blogday! :D

gracie said...

Happy day to you

Mindi said...

Happy Blogaversary!

MaryBeth said...

Happy blogaversary to you!!

Jane said...

HAPPY 4TH BLOGOVERSARY ~ I don't know how I've missed your lovely giveaway but I'll pop over to that post now and keep everything crossed that I may still be in with a chance.
Looking forward to the next fun-filled 4 years too !!!

Anne said...

Happy Blogoversary Sharon and here's to many more!!



Shpinelka said...

Happy Blogoversary! It'd pleasure to visit your blog ;-))

Amanda "Stitcher Mom" said...

Happy blogoversary!!

Pumpkin said...

Happy Blogaversary Sharon! You know I love reading your Blog ;o)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogoversary! Have a wonderful day!

butterfly said...

Looking forward to another year reading your blog.
Have a great week.

Ellen said...

Happy Blogoversary!


Lindsay said...

Happy Blogoversary

Astrids dragon said...

Congrats on four years! Thanks for the blogoversary button link, I didn't know it was out there!

Fiona said...

Happy blogiversary... I don't comment often but I read and look lots.... Keep on blogging....

Unknown said...

Happy Blog annivesary and more to come!!!!!

Myra said...

I am looking forward to many more years of your inspiring and helpful posts. Happy Blogaversary!

P.J. said...

Happy Blogoversary! You were my very first follower on my blog, so I am excited to celebrate with you. I am slowly growing with followers, since I started in May I am up to SIX followers. Thank you for your encouragement and enthusiasm.

Ellen S said...

I'm a real fan of your blog!! Happy
Anniversary, WOW!! 4 years!!
Would loveto be entered in your giveaway!!

Ellen S

stormybrew57 said...

Happy Blogoversary! Beth N. (stormybrew57@aol.com)

Nancy said...

Happy 4 year anniversary!!

Jackie's Stitches said...

Happy Four Years! I haven't been following you that long - 4 years ago I didn't know what a blog was - but I have enjoyed every minute that I have.

katica said...

Happy blogoversary to you!! Mine is coming up sometime soon as well... I have to check its sometime in November I know that forsure!

Love your blog and love coming to see all the wonderful things you post about!

Tatkis said...

Happy blogoversary! Great date, 4 years!
Good luck!


~*Sharee*~ said...

Congrads hun..can't wait for your drawing; hope I win..LOL

Hugs, Shar

CalamityJr said...

How fun, visiting other blogs that share your big day. Enjoy!

TinaTx said...

Happy blogoversary!

arlette said...

Happy Blogiversary to youuuuuuuu, hope you're having a lovely day!!!!, my blogiversary's in April, I don't use to celebrate it, lol, I know it's so much fun, :D

Mel said...

Happy Blogoversary! I'm not entering the giveaway, just wanted to comment though :)

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary :)

Maggie R said...

Congratulations on your Blogoversary..I didn't realize it was my Blogoversary too until you sent me the message....Thanks..
Blogging has been so much fun meeting so many wonderful people from all over the world.
Continued success.
Now I better get busy and see about a draw for mine..

Lynn said...

Many congrats on your Blogoversary! Here's to another 4 yrs or more!

Lynn said...

Congrats on 4 years!!!!

Kay said...

Happy Blogiversary! Good on ya for four years! Plus running the TUSAL. I bow to you Ms. Daffycat :)

Blu said...

Happy blogoversary!

Nancy said...

Happy 4th Blogoversary!! Wishing you many, many more! I love reading your blog.

mbroider said...

Congratulations!! My son will be four this March:)

You started your blog when he was happy floating in fluid!!

Christine said...

Happy Blogoversary Sharon!

Lesleyanne said...

Happy 4th Blogoversary.

Kate said...

Happy Blogoversary. I love reading your blog, thanks for sharing.

CATHI said...

Happy Blogoversary from me to you! :o)


Carmen said...

Happy Blogoversay!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

Wishing you a Happy 4th Blogoversary

Bekca said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Kate said...

Happy Blogaversary! Hope you enjoy your reading.

Susan said...

Happy Blogoversary! I've enjoyed reading your blog and wish you many more years of blogging.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Happy Blogoversary!!! Here's to another year of reading your blog.

Patty C. said...

That is definitely a wonderful accomplishment ;)

Penny said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Loretta said...

Happy belated Blogoversary!!! You have a great blog!!!

cerato said...

Happy blogoversary!!

Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said...

Happy Blogoversary, Sharon!!! It's always such a pleasure and an inspiration visiting your lovely blog... Blessings always in stitches...

Katrien said...

Happy Blogoversary!

Carol said...

Happy 4th year Blogoversary, Sharon!! Here's to many more fun posts :)

Theresa said...

Happy Blogoversary~~~~ I enjoy reading your blog very much!!!!

CyberJulka said...

Congratulations dear Sharon! Hugs!

Cyber Julka

Melanie said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!! :)

Julie said...

Happy blogoversary

Meari said...

Happy Blogversary1!! Mine is at the end of this month.