Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Sunday, November 20, 2011

How do you forget the mail?

So I was away all day yesterday, right? Late, late this afternoon I asked Dash if he'd gotten the mail yesterday. No? He forgot the mail? *gasp* Off I trot to the mailbox and what do I find inside? An RAK (Random Act of Kindness) from Carolyn of Taking one stitch at a time! How cool is this? Ooo, wonky photo ~ sorry! It was hard not to capture light reflections.

Three wonderful charts off my wishlist. Which one will I start first? Hard choice but I am itching to start that snowman ~ he's so chubby and cute! Isn't this the sweetest thing for Carolyn to do? Thank you so much for thinking of me, dear friend.

The Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long is growing! 127 members so far ~ wow! If you'd like to join us you would be so welcome. Those of you that have joined, please do me a favor and check your link? I try my best to get all the links working correctly but sometimes there are those that slip through. Another thing, I think we can match or maybe even exceed last years Guest List number of 209 members but only if you help ~ make a post on your blog letting everyone know about  The Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long and direct them to the sign up post. Thank you!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Tricia said...

What a sweet RAK you received! You're right - the snowman is adorable! Happy mail day!

Kalu V said...

thats very sweet =) i cant wait to see the snowman finished it looks very cute! =D

Unknown said...

Great mail - I would go for the snowman too! Gotta getover and sign up for next year's TUSAL!

Nancy said...

Lucky you! So nice of Carolyn to send you some charts you wanted!

Lesleyanne said...

Great post. My link works. Thank you.

Ali said...

Ooh lovely patterns, I've popped a link in my sidebar - hope thats ok xx

cucki said...

wow very lovely gift from carolyn.she is really very sweet.
keep well and have fun xx

Mouse said...

ooo lovely RAK and yup get the snowman done heheheh almost that time fo year ..lol love mouse xxxx

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

How cute! Aren't random acts of kindness the absolute best?!?

Anonymous said...

Oh the snowman is adorable, can't wait to see him all stitched up.

Kate said...

Great RAK - look forward to seeing your progress on these.
Have chacked my link and it worked fine.

Penny said...

Lovely charts and I agree that snowman is cute!

Patty C. said...

I think the Snowman should come first !!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! They arrived. Glad you are happy with those charts.

Lately I have been in a Just Because Mood. I can't wait to see the start and finish to the snowman.

My link works! Thanks

Pumpkin said...

That was super nice of Carolyn! I say the snowman ;O)

Elizabeth Ann said...

I love that little snowman, I wonder if he is still for sale somewhere? Cannot wait to see it all stitched!

butterfly said...

What a great mail, lucky lady.

Michelle said...

What a lovely RAK - aren't stitching people just the best x

Julie said...

Lovely RAK

lynda said...

Glad you asked us to check our links...mine links to the blissfully stitching blog

that's a great RAK by the way! lucky you.

TinaTx said...

Great RAK! I think I would start with the snowman! (and I think he needs to go on my list!)
Around here the dogs remind the hubby it is time to go get the mail!

Lana said...

Awesome RAK!!

Cathy said...

Do you mean that we should check our link on your blog list. Mine's not there, but I have signed up for the TUSAL.

It's CraftyCat


Fun RAK!

Lynn said...

I vote for the snowman. He's too cute!