Daffy's Stitchy Friends

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Loose Stitch Fix

A how-to for new-ish stitchers.

It never fails you don't notice the loose stitch until well after the fact. The little buggers usually crop up after a tiny twist in the thread finally untwists (sometimes days later) and there you have it. A loose stitch. If you are OCD or working on perfecting your backsides now is the time to frog. Unpick the whole blasted thing to get to that ONE LOOSE STITCH! Or you can fudge it like this...

I stitched this block with one thread so you could see everything easier. And I exaggerated a loose stitch.

It's the perfect place to use the loop method start I showed you ~ just loop through a thread on the back side. I'm doing it with white so you can see. Secure the thread a little bit away from the loose one.

Find the loose thread, pull it to the back with the tip of your needle and go through it. Make sure to get the whole thread or threads! Pull snug.

Now, going a little bit away from where the loose stitch was, run the needle under the stitches to secure the thread and end as usual. The loop holds the loose stitch tight. It isn't pretty but it works.

It sure beats frogging.

Shhh! You can't even tell from the front! Just ~ nobody look at my backside. Please!

Thank you for visiting my blog today!


Becky K in OK said...

Great tip. I'm usually the one who frogs it. No more!!

Debbie said...

Thank you for the tip! I love your description and the photos.

Tricia said...

Love these tips! Thanks!

Robin said...

Awesome tip! And very funny...about your backside. I don't want anyone looking at mine either.

Katie said...

Great tip. Thanks!

Stitching Noni said...

What a great tip! Thank you for sharing this - no more tears and frogs for loose stitches! :o)


Ruby Craft said...

Great tutorial!

Birdie said...

Fab tip!! I too have done this more than I care to admit....having a loose stitch that is. Some in my family have even accused me of being "a few stitches loose"....do you have a cure for that? lol lol


Margaret said...

Oooooh, nice!!! Love it! I'm bookmarking this tip for sure.

Kathy A. said...

Thank you my dear!

cucki said...

thank you for sharing this..it is so helpful..great tip :)
love cucki xxx

Christine said...

Clever. Thank you for the hint

Kate said...

Great tip

Toffe said...

Thanks for your tip ;))

Julie said...

Wonderful tip.

Lynn said...

You'll find this on a few of my backsides which is why I don't like people scrutinizing my backs too closely.
Thanks for explaining the fix for those who didn't know about it.

Heth said...

That's a clever tip ... thanks for sharing.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Now there's a tip I hadn't heard of before! I'm totally going to keep this in mind. Thanks for sharing!

Threeundertwo said...

Great tute! If we let people look at the back I'd be doomed.

Kat said...

I'm sorry to see November end - I have learned so much! I hope you will continue with your tips and tricks!


Fiona said...

clever tip!! You should write into one of the mags!!

Penny said...

Thanks for the tip, I didn't know this trick. :)

BronnyB said...

Great Tip! I think I've used this once or twice, but not of course, when I've stressed out about a loose stitch in a big block of stitching. I'll have to remember this one.

Katrien said...

clever tip.

Pumpkin said...

Great idea Sharon! TFS.

Meari said...

That is a great tip. I've done it a time or two myself. :)

ArtsyFartsy Panda said...

Oooh!!! NIIIICE!!! :D thanks for this :)

Starrla said...

A great tip. Do you have one for fixing a framed piece. I missed completing 2 crosses side by side. I can't hang the piece because I see it right away. Wish the framer had seen it.